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Everything posted by Ben

  1. When the second player joins, try resending the jz packet to both players.
  2. Are you able to provide screenshots of more traffic? You should be sending jz somewhere.
  3. Take a look at the AS code if(this.movieClip.placer[buttonName].active == false || this.movieClip.placer[buttonName].active == undefined && this.currentTurn < com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine.NUM_TURNS) { if(com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine.PLAYING_MULTIPLAYER_GAME) { if(this.netPlayerID == com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine.PLAYER_1 && buttonDir == "right" || this.netPlayerID == com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine.PLAYER_2 && buttonDir == "down") { this.netClient.sendDigMessage(buttonName,buttonDir,buttonNum); } } ... This is where the onpress event handler calls sendDigMessage which should write the dig message to the socket. I'm wondering whether maybe this condition isn't met? this.netPlayerID == com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine.PLAYER_1 && buttonDir == "right" || this.netPlayerID == com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine.PLAYER_2 && buttonDir == "down" Those constants are set as follows static var PLAYER_1 = 0; static var PLAYER_2 = 1; And netPlayerID is updated to the seat ID: //com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.net.TreasureHuntClient function handleJoinGameMessage(resObj) { this.debugTrace("handleJoinGameMessage"); this.debugTrace("smartRoomID: " + resObj[0]); this.debugTrace("seatID: " + resObj[1]); var _loc3_ = parseInt(resObj[1]); this.gameEngine.updatePlayerSeatID(_loc3_); } //com.clubpenguin.games.treasure.GameEngine function updatePlayerSeatID(seatID) { this.netPlayerID = seatID; } So, when the arrows in the game are pointing right, player one must be taking their turn on seat ID 0, could you confirm this is the case? I can't see the JoinGame message response in your screenshots, it seems that perhaps that message should be sent every time a player takes their turn.
  4. Nice, hopefully we wont get too many "password incorrect" support requests now
  5. I spent around two weeks writing numerous scripts to carry out tedious tasks. Minor files which weren't really documented anywhere I downloaded manually and that took the best part of four hours.
  6. Hey @Closefox Welcome to Solero!
  7. CPPS.me is the best Club Penguin Private Server
  8. The night theme is now available, switch at the bottom of the page. It's still very much a work in progress (as you will probably be able to tell). But I have reached the point where I can consider it "acceptable". I know it's highly requested and most people prefer it to the day theme, thus I'm making available a bit early.

    1. camden


      Easier on the eyes. 😌 Thank you. 

  9. Please follow this template when making support topics. We'll need your copy of Sweater to look through and figure out what's wrong.
  10. Template for creating support topics Your question: Brief overview of the problem which needs to be solved. Screenshots of the problem: Provide screenshots of the problem. If the issue is client related (for example your loader is stuck on a blue screen), your screenshots should include the network traffic showing in developer tools in your web browser (F12 for Chromium & Firefox based browsers). Firefox Chrome Your screenshot is no use if all it includes is the Club Penguin client displaying a Penguin Not Found or Password Incorrect error! Terminal output: If your game/login server is giving an error, it is obviously helpful to provide this error in your support topic, but you should also include the rest of your terminal output (or at least include 10-20 lines of output before the error), as this can also give people more insight into what the issue may be. Code: Providing code related to your problem is very important, without this, people usually cannot help you. If you don't know exactly what part of your code is causing you a problem, you can zip up whatever project you're working on and attach it to the thread. For example, if Kitsune is running into a fatal error, or if your actionscript code isn't working as expected. Remember to put any code pasted directly into your post in a code block! What you've tried so far: List out everything you've tried so far to fix the issue, if you've tried nothing, leave this section. Good luck in your bug squashing & error fixing! Topic last updated: 06/11/17