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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Club Penguin domains within the swf files may likely be the cause, use JPEXS SWF Decompiler to get rid of all clubpenguin.com associated domains.
  2. Old but gold
  3. I'm sorry, I won't make that mistake again
  4. Thanks my love
  5. f you have a AS3 CPPS, you'd know that there are some annoying issues around the fact that it uses the newer catalog system. This being the JSON image catalog system thing (I don't really know how to better explain it) - basically you're stuck with February 2017's furniture catalog. I've come up with a quick and effective fix for this. What you'll first need to do is make sure you have older versions of rooms which have catalogs within them (prior to 2016). You can get old versions of rooms from Club Penguin Wiki Archives. After you've done this, you can apply my "fix". Below is an attachment called "pigfarm_catalog.swf", what you want to do is put it in media1's client folder. so media1/play/v2/client/ And done! Issue should be resolved and other catalogs should be fully functional still, no need to rely on the json image catalog system thing and have to change tons of shit to get furniture catalog working. So what did I do exactly? All I did was create a new ActionScript 2 file on Flash and make the interface show the catalog, this gets rid of all the shit pigfarm_catalog.swf originally came with. I've tested it and it works great, if you have any issues with this let me know, I'll assist ya. Cheers to Jad for making me realise what I was doing this wrong. pigfarm_catalog (1).rar
  6. Whoops, too much replies and it's organised differently when replies are voted up, apologizes.
  7. An awards system could encourage user activity, I think it's a good idea and an easy idea which could potentially help with the growth of this community.
  8. Hi, This error as @Arthur has clarified is the way the user is storing passwords, she may be mistaking her Kitsune version for the one which is bcrypt. She is most likely storing passwords in MD5 and NOT Bcrypt. If this error continues after she attempts to use my fix, I'd advise her to use a sentry.swf from another AS3 mediaserver or even the one you can find in icer.link. These are the only two problems which can make this issue occur, this is not regarding her mediaserver as a whole or her crossdomain, but the way she stores her password or an issue with an outdated sentry.swf
  9. This is fairly easy to setup, I set this up first time attempted and looked like a great system to use, will use it via other projects of mine.
  10. If these are being used for AS2, please make sure they are not versions of the rooms after around mid-2015, these rooms won't work properly on AS2. Newer versions of rooms that can be used on AS2 are ones prior to around mid-2015 and should cause no issues.
  11. Hi @Doxlla, To further look into your error please first test this password in your database, set your user's password in the database to: Now refresh your play page and enter the password "eatme" when trying to sign in. Let me know if this works, this issue is most likely down to your password being MD5 and potentially your version of Kitsune being bcrypt passwords.
  12. I don't have any favourite