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Showing most liked content on 07/09/17 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hello all, So recently I forgot to patch this up, thought I'd share it with you guys who have AS3 servers and are using Kitsune as a source. Basically the situation is you're able to buy as many puffle wild creatures as you like - you can go into negative balance but spam buy them still. Such a simple solution and I should of done it ages ago but forgot to, thought I'd share for any noobs Here's how to fix it: Go to Kitsune\ClubPenguin\Handlers\Play\Pet.php Find the function And replace it with the following Save the file and restart your World server and it should be fixed. You're welcome
  2. 2 points
    There was no need for an else statement since you used return on the if statement. Nice work, though...
  3. 2 points
    Understandable, lol. Did you happen to download all the music files? Many of the music files on mobile were higher quality than the ones in the Flash game. If you don't have them, I can link you what I have. I have ~580 MB worth of 689 .mp3 and .wav files. They're all organized into their respective directories. I second this idea. Linking to a page where people can report missing files would also be good. A link to this thread would work. ID 130 was the Earring, which was a bait item. I don't think it ever had a paper file.
  4. 1 point
    I depend on icerink for my mediaserver, and I'm willing to donate. Why not open for donations? Also, https://icer.ink/mobcdn.clubpenguin.com/game/items/images/paper/image/60/130.png this is missing. Don't know where to look for it :/ Edit: All files in media1.clubpenguin.com/play/v2/client//music/assets/ are also missing.
  5. 1 point
    You're welcome! Yes, it will stay up for as long as I have spare change at the end of the month to pay for our box. There is actually a plethora of files which were used for the various different versions of mobile apps created by Club Penguin, and I voted against putting them on Icerink due to time constraints and lack of real need for them as it is very unlikely anyone is ever going to bother reverse engineering the mobiles apps (they sucked anyway). I can see how the paper image directories may be useful to people and I'll look into uploading them. I also downloaded lots of files off of the media8 subdomain before I decided to give up, maybe I'll put those up soon too.