Report post Posted December 23, 2017 (edited) Times-0/Timeline A powerful AS3 CPPS Server emulator written in Python using Twisted! GRAB THE LATEST BUILD: Prerequisites: Softwares: Python 2.7.X MySQL or MariaDB If using MySQL, you need all of these connectors (as they don't come pre-installed): Python-Connector , C++Connector , C-Connector Redis Server If you are to download this on windows, you might need one of these instead: Windows-Redis by Microsoft Python Modules: Twisted MySQLdb Watchdog txredisapi Twistar BCrypt lxml colorlog Any of the above Python modules can be installed as follows: If you are using only 1 version of Python python -m pip install module_name If you are using multiple versions of Python (2 and 3 together) py -2 -m pip install moule_name SETUP [If you are using it in default localhost, skip these] Spoiler If you don't use default configurations for your MySQL or Redis server or CPPS ports/hostnames, you can change it as follows. Open in a text editor (with write privileges) To change MySQL details: Find the line DBMS = DBM(user = "root", passd = "", db = "times-cp") Edit it to match yours, save your file To change Redis-server, open Timeline/Server/ with a text editor Search for the following line redis.Connection(host = '', reconnect = True).addCallback(self.initPenguins) Replace it to match yours, and save it To add new servers, open Find'', 9875) Below that you can create your server similar to the following ExampleLoginServer = Engine(Penguin, Constants.LOGIN_SERVER, <SERVER_ID>, "Name of login server")'host to listen on', <login_port>) ExampleWorldServer = Engine(Penguin, Constants.WORLD_SERVER, <SERVER_ID>, "Example World Server")"<Host to run on>", <ExampleWorld_server_port>) SETUP DATABASE (Necessary) If you haven't setup database for timeline before, you need to do this before starting the server. Open your mysql client (eg, PHPMyAdmin), create a new database namely times-cp, open that table click import, select file as database.sql, import it. You are good to go now. USAGE After all being set-up, all you have to do is run the server. Below are examples of how to run the server from a terminal cd path/to/timeline ---IF YOU HAVE ONLY ONE VERSION OF PYTHON INSTALLED--- python ----- ---IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF PYTHON--- py -2 ----- Edited December 23, 2017 by Dote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites