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Showing most liked content on 07/29/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    CPbb is a simple lightweight Club Penguin theme for use on MyBB software, it'll help you to get a modern CP forum up and running. The theme itself is obviously based on the more modern Club Penguin website, I use it on Club Penguin Reborn forums (forums.cpreborn.com). Version: 1.0 Requirements: Latest version of MyBB (download at mybb.com) How to install: -Download the rar file attachment below and extract it -Once you have MyBB succesfully installed go to "Admin CP" - Click on Template & Styles - Import a Theme - Under "Local File" choose the file you extracted it should be called clubpenguin-theme.xml - Import Theme - Click on "Themes" - Nex tto clubpenugin click on "Options" - Set as Default and then click Force on Users DONE! SUCCESFULLY installed. The css, js and images are hosted on my website, if you'd like them I'd recommend you to scrape them from my website - download the css individually and modify some links to images within them to match your needs and then upload the modified css to your website and go to templates under templates & styles and then click on "clubpenguin Templates" and under header templates if you click on header you'll be able to change the url of the css. There is no dedicated support for this theme but you can leave issues and suggestions below. Please do not re-upload this theme elsewhere, use the same download link as when I push updates the link will be the same and I don't want people using outdated versions in the near future. Download here
  2. 1 point
    Hey everyone, it's been a long time. Today I implemented bcrypt in sweater and I decided i'd teach you how to do it without downloading my version of sweater directly, because who knows ? maybe you have your own version and don't want to replace the whole files. I'll show you how to update everyone's passwords too, so no worries about that. (thanks to @Ben who helped me fix a bug so-to-speak). Alright, let's begin with what's pretty obvious, the Hashing file (Cryptography.php). What you have to do is, replace everything in there with this: Yeah I know, it looks like kitsune's now :) Next, you probably want to set this in Client.php to public: private $strRandomKey; Change that to public. Now, since I don't think any of you have modified the login handler in sweater, or if you did then you're competent enough to see what I modified in the handleLogin and replace the stuff. If you didn't modify it, replace this whole function with yours in LoginHandler.php: Replace the handleRndK function too with this: function handleRndK($arrData, Client $objClient){ $objClient->strRandomKey = "e4a2dbcca10a7246817a83cd" . $objClient->strNickname; $objClient->sendData('<msg t="sys"><body action="rndK" r="-1"><k>' . $objClient->strRandomKey . '</k></body></msg>'); $objClient->setRandomKey($objClient->strRandomKey); } You will also want to change your password column so our new password hash can fit in the column, so just run this SQL command: ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `Password` `Password` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Password hash'; Now you probably want to update everyone's md5 password to bcrypt, so you can simply run this PHP script: For the register, since you are using sweater you are probably using my 'old' register, so use this new one. Once you've completed all of these, you're done. Hope this helped you. Cya.
  3. 1 point
    Nice work. Hopefully this'll encourage more CPPS owners to switch over to bcrypt, or at the very least a stronger hashing algorithm for passwords.