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Everything posted by Doxlla

  1. Fixed, but when i clicking on the note it's nothing happen
  2. Login screen not loading, i'm stuck..
  3. I need type something or what????? idk how to type like that..
  4. I replaced rooms but i don't finding the party_icon location and more....
  5. Hi, i replaced rooms and more, but i don't see the Note in the top..... can you help me?
  6. Hi, i have party files now... idk how to setup it, can you help me?
  7. can i get Muppets Party (2015)?
  8. Hello i want 2017 clothes and 2017 furniture catalog
  9. Where i can write to ben? Idk where him
  10. It's not like 2017
  11. Hello, I have the error on my cpps [AS3] I'm updated rooms to 2015, But when i updated i can't move I'm changed rooms to waddle on party like was, but i still can't move
  12. Fixed
  13. i can't login into my cpps AS3 Discord:AxDoxllaxA#
  14. Yep i know, The @Jamie helped to me!, my cpps working thanks very much Jamie!
  15. http://imgur.com/a/T3Vms
  16. I'm not bugging