I can't, but I can do pretty close to that.
Take a look at this back SWF for the Bee Wings: http://web.archive.org/web/20170204234556/http://media1.clubpenguin.com/play/v2/content/global/clothing/paper/309_back.swf
Now take a look at the non-back SWF on Icerink: https://icer.ink/media1.clubpenguin.com/play/v2/content/global/clothing/paper/309.swf
The file in your archive is blank. The back SWF is what stored the item artwork for this item and other wings.
Additionally, the Internet Archive file was archived on February 4, 2017. I don't think Club Penguin would've randomly removed all back SWFs within 2 months of the game closing. Otherwise, someone would've surely noticed items being invisible or having missing parts on the player card.
Without these files, the archive of paper SWFs is incomplete.