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Showing most liked content on 07/06/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    First and foremost, thanks for creating the Icerink archive. Without it, many files could have been lost forever. Second, do you plan to always keep this archive up? Third, there are some mobile files that are missing. I see you have the "paper/image" directory here, but you're missing the following directories: paper/icon puffles/paper puffles/hats/player_card furniture/icon igloos/buildings/icon igloos/flooring/icon igloos/locations/icon Fortunately, the Internet Archive has them: http://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=http://media8.clubpenguin.com/game/items/images/*&fl=timestamp,original&collapse=urlkey Also, although not even near complete, other mobile files can be found here if you're interested: http://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=http://media8.clubpenguin.com/mobile/*&fl=timestamp,original&collapse=urlkey&filter=~!field:config/catalog&filter=~!field:assets/catalog (Note: I filtered out "config/catalog" and "assets/catalog" directories from results since I see you already have them here.) Specifically, "payloads/minigames" would be nice to add to the archive. By the way, no need to add me to contributors.
  2. 1 point
    As @doodlebob stated, this doesn't actually "refresh" the bot. All it does is send a message and output text to the console. Locked.