General Latest Topics Latest TopicsenAbout MU Takeover 2013 I was reading some old CP blog, then I saw something about membership benefits during the MU party. One of them is penguins can turn big when wearing MU costumes.

I continued to look, then I saw people in MU costumes. Some outfits made them look big.

I want to make some alts on Oasis based on the movie characters, and I want to use the !size to make some characters big. (when Oasis starts adding this feature, currently you can turn small) If you were in CP during June 2013, member or not, I would like some info on which outfits can make you big.

Can make you big:

- Sulley

- Johnny

- George

Cannot make you big:

- Mike

- Squishy

- Squishy's Mom

- Chet

- Percy


- Randy

- Hardscrabble

- Brock

- Claire

- Don

- Terry and Terri



Thank you.

197Wed, 27 Jun 2018 14:56:08 +0000
Vipenguin UPDATED I'm stolen more files :)


P.S Vipenguin Closing



121Tue, 20 Jun 2017 17:11:04 +0000
What is the purpose of each of these client files? What is the role of each of these client files? I'm not looking for a lengthy answer, but if anyone could briefly explain what at least one of these files does, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • airtower
  • book
  • club_penguin
  • engine
  • gridview
  • igloo
  • load
  • login
  • mail
  • phone
  • sentry
  • shell
  • stampbook
  • startscreen

I am most curious about the ones that are in bold.

144Wed, 19 Jul 2017 22:48:26 +0000
What's the difference between Sweater and Kitsune? I'm looking to develop my own CPPS, and to get started I've been looking at both Sweater and Kitsune (AS2). From my understanding, both were developed by Arthur. As such, what's the difference between the two? Would I be better off opting for one over the other?

Also, if anyone is willing to help me develop my first CPPS, it would be much appreciated.

142Wed, 19 Jul 2017 16:54:43 +0000
How do you feel about VIP penguin shutting down how do you feel about VIP penguin shutting down

Here is the link from where i got the news😔                                   

130Mon, 26 Jun 2017 06:14:17 +0000
Farewell maybe not

129Sun, 25 Jun 2017 02:52:24 +0000
AS3 CPPS - Logo.swf Request I'm basically looking for /play/v2/content/global/logo/logo.swf. I have the waddle on party logo.swf, but I'd like the default one and all the other parties logo.swf.

If you don't know what I'm requesting, I want most, if not all the logo.swf's. Here's the muppets world tour one for example.



118Mon, 19 Jun 2017 13:01:00 +0000
Vipenguin Files

P.S Vipenguin closing

119Mon, 19 Jun 2017 13:59:11 +0000
Kitsune AS3 Password Generator This is a script used to generate passwords in Bcrypt for Kitsune - AS3 version. If you've been facing the incorrect password issue and you're extremely lazy to try Arthur's latest patch on the register. All you have to do in this script is edit the $username and $password variable on line 3 & 4 and then execute the script from your command line / terminal. It will generate the password for you, then all you have to do is copy and paste that into your password column in your database and update it.


    $username = "Lynx";
    $password = "81r5C8%3i8cm";
    $hashedPassword = strtoupper(md5($password));
    $staticKey = 'e4a2dbcca10a7246817a83cd';
    $fancyPassword = getLoginHash($hashedPassword, $staticKey, $username);
    echo "\n\r\n\r" . $fancyPassword . "\n\r\n\r";

    function encryptPassword($password, $md5 = true) {
        if($md5 !== false) {
            $password = md5($password);
        $hash = substr($password, 16, 16) . substr($password, 0, 16);
        return $hash;
    function getLoginHash($password, $staticKey, $username) {        
        $hash = encryptPassword($password, false);
        $hash .= $staticKey;
        $hash .= "a1ebe00441f5aecb185d0ec178ca2305Y(02.>'H}t\":E1_root";
        $hash = encryptPassword($hash);
        $hash = password_hash($hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, [ 'cost' => 12 ]);
        return $hash;



115Mon, 19 Jun 2017 03:57:00 +0000
What's your fave CPPS? There's a ton of them, but which one do you like the most? I personally like Vintage Penguin the most.

15Sun, 11 Jun 2017 17:29:53 +0000
Vintage Penguin vs Club Penguin Rewritten Who do you got Club Penguin Rewritten or Vintage Penguin?

22Sun, 11 Jun 2017 18:33:38 +0000
Penguin's- A community Discord chat. Now, this is nothing special, this is just a community Discord chat.

Introducing, Penguin's!


We're aware that there are many Discord community chats, however our goal is to announce many CPPS, and unlike other chats, we ensure that we actively announce about different CPPS. Interested in joining the community chat? Click here.

This chat is ran by me, @camden, and Carly.

23Sun, 11 Jun 2017 19:02:27 +0000