Suggestions and Feedback Latest Topics and Feedback Latest TopicsenUserbars? It would be cool if there would be userbars under your name. Just a little more customization!

As example:


86Tue, 13 Jun 2017 19:04:54 +0000
Make the Default Day theme for Solero responsive for Mobile Hi there, the Google ads on mobile are not dynamically resized for the screen causing issues with how IPS displays the dashboard and notifications.

104Sun, 18 Jun 2017 07:26:47 +0000
Introducing new ranks. Hey!

I feel like this would be a good time to mention that I feel like we should introduce a rank similar to trusted. For example: super user.

Possible perks?

  1. Of course, a super cool rank.
  2. Top priority (when it comes to applications?).
  3. userbar (depends if this will be made or not).
  4. Getting their own section where they can talk to other people will the exact same rank.

Why should we introduce this?

  1. Increase the amount of good quality posting, and an excellent alternative to awards as awards aren't a feasible idea since it's broken.
  2. People will be encouraged to post more actively, therefore increasing productivity.
  3. Increased productivity= more users are more likely to join.

Possible criteria?

Well, it could be anything really, up to staff.

  1. A certain amount of posts within a given time?
  2. A certain amount of reputation within a given time?
  3. Good community standing?
  4. No warning points, sets exemplary behavior?

What do you think of this idea?


91Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:13:09 +0000
Stop allowing users to upload images via urls There are quite a few ways to compromise someones security using a fake image which IPS allows. Please consider disabling adding images via urls.

32Mon, 12 Jun 2017 08:32:41 +0000
Awards We could get awards like:


100 posts medal = get by getting 100 posts on forum

100 reputation medal = get by getting 100 positive reputation

Contribution medal = get by being active and doing good posts

59Tue, 13 Jun 2017 00:22:43 +0000
Tutorials under General. Hi, I'm aware that there's tutorials under CPPS (but that's for CPPS ONLY), however what about generic tutorials, can they be under 'General', I'd love to post some handy tutorials.

43Mon, 12 Jun 2017 15:19:36 +0000
Forum games under 'General Chat'. Forum games under 'General Chat'- so we can distinguish between forum games and video games/ game modifications. 

33Mon, 12 Jun 2017 10:40:03 +0000